I've done a mediocre job at trying to play famous; I have the huge black sunglasses, fancy perfume, (some) great outfits and (lots of) fabulous shoes. However, what I most notably lack (hold your comments, please) is an expensive car and photographers following my every move. Since I'm not about to sell my soul or privacy to become a celeb, my dream will have to remain in the ether for now. (What would my talent be anyway? Discuss.)
Yet, for one weekend, the dream will be within reach as RTT and I will have a photographer following our every move for the big day! Granted, they are being paid, but Tara Reid does that too without any guilt so why should we feel bad? I'll even have the fabulous shoes and amazing dress and of course RTT will look supremely handsome. YAY!
You can review the gossip mag hags at Edward Fox Photography.
Self-Portrait #1, Vancouver, October 2006